Top Tips for Successful Email Campaigns

Tips for Successful Email Campaigns and Product Launches

If you're launching a new product or going for a special sales push, there are a few things you can do that'll virtually guarantee a higher response rate. These things include split testing email headlines, amping up excitement before the launch and taking advantage of the "crowd effect."

Here's more about each of these tips.

=> Email Split Testing

Most modern list management software will allow you to split test headlines. Furthermore, you can segment out your list and send emails to only a portion of your list.

If you're doing a big, important product launch, it can often pay to do something like this:

Create two different headlines, or even completely different emails. Then segment out 25% of your list and split test those two different emails to just that 25% of your list.

Once you have the results from that initial test, send the winner out to the remaining 75% of your list.

Naturally, you should also be split testing landing pages and other factors throughout your campaign.

=> The Tease > Tease > Tease > One Time Offer Formula

One proven formula for successful product launches involves really getting the excitement level about the new product up, then creating a very limited supply.

For example, you might briefly mention on your blog that something big is coming up. You might then write an email detailing the problem, hinting that there's a solution coming up without telling your readers what it is.

Then, you do an interview with another well-known person in your industry, again talking about the problem and how amazing it would be if it were solved. You excitedly tell the audience about your new product that's soon coming out.

You just keep building up the excitement and mystery, releasing just a little bit of new information with every post.

Finally, when you release the product, there will already be a ton of excitement around it. If you combine this with a One Time Offer to create scarcity, your conversion rate will go through the roof.

=> Take Advantage of the Crowd Effect

The crowd effect simply states that people are more likely to do something when others are doing it. In other words, if a person knows that a lot of other people are rushing to buy a product, they're more likely to want to buy as well.

How can you take advantage of this?


First of all, creating an active blog, chat room or message board where people can talk about your product or post that they just bought is a great first step.

Recruiting affiliates in your space is another great way. If someone gets one email about your product launch, they may ignore it. But if they get emails for five different people, especially people they trust, then they'll definitely have to check it out.

Contests are another great way. For example, ask everyone to post a video about why they love the new product. The winner gets all your products, video and audio, loaded on a free iPad. You'll get a great surge of responses, creating the impression that you have many buyers.

These are just guidelines and examples. Come up with your own specific ways of creating the sense that a lot of people are rushing to buy.

These three things: scientific split testing, the tease and scarcity tactic and the crowd effect are all powerful methods to help increase your response in any email product launch or campaign.

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